fernbrook stud


Ground Schools

Fernbrook ground schools teach the basic principles of horsemanship in stages - from the ground to the saddle -and are aimed at those who would like to build their confidence and relationship with their horse.

  • Q&A / Training day is the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions about horses and horsemanship. John will spend the day focusing on what you would like to learn. There are places for 6 riding participants ($100 including lunch and morning tea) and as many unmounted participants ($30 including lunch and morning tea) who would like to come. Come armed with your questions and make the most of John's encyclopedic horse and horsemanship knowledge. The day will cater to all levels of experience.

  • Stage 1 is an introduction to ground school. Participants work with their horses on the ground and learn to control the hindquarters. These are the foundation skills for the stage 2 school

  • Stage 2 is a continuation of the stage 1 school. Participants start the day on the ground reinforcing the ground work that was started in stage 1. When the stage 1 basics are firmly established, participants continue the work in the saddle. The philosophy behind stage 2 is control the body, control the horse.

Fernbrook stud is well equipped to host schools as it has two round yards and a large fenced arena. There is plenty of parking available.

John is also happy to address specific issues that you have with your horse - such as floating or handling issues.

The cost is for the school is $100 - morning tea and lunch will be provided.


Photos from the July school

© Copyright 2007 - Fernbrook Stud

Monkey was here